Nut Trees for Urban Environments

Nut Trees for Urban Environments

Planting nut trees like the popular chestnut, hazel nut, or hard-shelled varieties – butternuts, heartnuts and buartnuts provide healthy food a few steps away from your door. They provide a leafy canopy through the summer months to shade you from the sun and act as...
How long do trees live?

How long do trees live?

The answer to this question relies on the species of tree and environmental growing conditions. The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine can reach an age of over 5,000 years, but the average lifespan of our local lodgepole pine is 150 years, subalpine fir and white spruce is...
Seasonal Tree Care – Summer Checklist

Seasonal Tree Care – Summer Checklist

Help your trees maintain their health with a seasonal checklist. Prune Inspect Soil Care Prepare Your Trees Prune: When pruning trees in summer, cut conservatively. Remove heat damaged and dead branches. It’s time to shear hedges for improved geometrics and shape...
When to remove a hazardous tree

When to remove a hazardous tree

Like all living things, trees have a natural lifespan. Pine trees, for example, live on an average of 50 to 450 years. Cottonwood trees, gorgeous and green against a backdrop of BC’s streams and rivers, have the potential to live 70 to 100 years. It’s disheartening to...
How Trees Filter Air

How Trees Filter Air

How do trees filter the air we breathe? Trees clean the air and improve our air quality. They exhale the oxygen we need to breathe while absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants essential to our health and quality of life. Trees create oxygen by continually...