All About Oak Trees

All About Oak Trees

There are over 500 species of the magnificent oak growing in Europe, China, Asia, North Africa, Mexico and North America. European mythology labels the oak tree as sacred, symbolizing nobility and strength with mythical properties and ancient tribes around the world...
Spring Tree and Landscaping Services

Spring Tree and Landscaping Services

We may be wondering what landscaping chores are in queue as we watch our lawns and trees green-up with the arrival of spring. If you discover winter damage to your hedge, now is the time to sharpen your clippers and remove tattered or broken limbs. It’s time to clean...
Ancient Tree Species

Ancient Tree Species

Also known as living fossil trees, the following species are evidenced by fossil records. Many fossil trees and plants can be found at specialty nurseries throughout Southcentral BC and planted into coastal gardens and semi-arid regions throughout the...
Signs of Tree Boring Insects

Signs of Tree Boring Insects

Tree boring insects can seriously damage trees by tunneling into the inner wood to feed. They leave behind telltale signs of infestation, including holes in the bark of the tree, sawdust or sap and branch dieback. Eventually, these insects can kill a tree and spread...
How to Become a Certified Arborist

How to Become a Certified Arborist

What is a “certified” arborist? Certified arborists have completed the training and exams necessary for accreditation. You will learn how to prune trees for health and aesthetics and perform tree risk assessments. The knowledge and skills of a well-trained arborist...