Also called antique or heritage fruit trees, heirloom fruit trees are old cultivars with historical significance. They are original varieties grown in the past, without the interference of genetic modification or hybridization. There are hundreds of heritage trees to choose from that will suit your particular soil and climate zone – “right plant for the right place” is saying that successful cultivators are aware of. Heirloom varieties can have higher levels of nutrition than commercial types, and although they are harder to grow without the advantages of genetic modification, they are trending as a plant of choice for organic and urban farmers. Many heritage species are endangered, and by planting their seeds, you have the opportunity to preserve one of these original trees. Heritage fruit trees are a valuable addition to your landscape, adding delicious edibles within reach of your kitchen door.

Questions? Call and ask us about our planting, pruning and landscaping services.
Professional Arborists in the Okanagan
Do you need help with your fruit trees? Our service area is the Thompson-Okanagan and Shuswap regions of BC. Whether you have a single prized fruit tree in your back yard, or an entire orchard, our team of trained arborists know how to manage trees for health and crop production. We have a 60’ bucket truck to reach high branches and our utility arborists are trained to work around power lines. We have full WCB coverage and over 40 years of experience in our industry.
Further Reading: Spring Tree and Landscaping Services