We’ve all seen those gorgeous Cottonwood trees lining slow-moving rivers and streams in Kamloops and Vernon, BC, and appreciate the vivid leafy green they exhibit. They create woodland habitat for rare wildflowers like Calypso ground orchids, and birds thrive in their canopies.
Cottonwoods are distinguished by a high rate of early growth, and while this is a perk for shade trees, it’s also the cause of one of their greatest problems; falling branches. Rapid growth makes the wood brittle, and large branches often break in windstorms, which can lead to property damage. Because cottonwood trees have adapted to thrive in floodplains, they naturally have shallow root systems, so the roots do not rot. The shallow roots systems can break up sidewalks and driveways, and these large canopied trees are prone to blowdown during storm season.
If you have cottonwood trees on your property, it’s wise to have them inspected by a certified arborist who can assess the tree’s health and prune them as needed to remove hazardous branches, especially if they are located around structures like barns, your house, or powerlines. Cottonwoods are broad, tall growing trees that may block your lakeview or light.
Our team of arborists at Pine Valley Tree Services offer an upper crown reduction service as a solution rather than tree removal. Leaving the tree in place with upper crown reduction allows you to maintain privacy and the beauty of the tree on your property, reduces wind resistance and weight in the crown to lessen the chance of limb breakage. Spiral thinning also allows for more light to shine through a tree’s branches.
We invite you to book your on-site consultation to assess the condition of your Cottonwood trees in Kamloops, Vernon and Kelowna. Our 60’ bucket truck can reach high branches, and our utility arborists are trained to work around power lines and trim off those potentially hazardous limbs. Municipal and commercial queries are welcome. We have full WCB coverage and over 40 years of experience in our industry.

For more information on our professional tree services read more here: Upper Crown Reduction or call us at the nearest office. Our service area includes Kamloops and all surrounding areas within a two-hour driving radius, Kelowna 250-801-8405, Salmon Arm 250-241-1704, Vernon 250-241-1704 and the Shuswap.
Call Us
The trees on your property may not be in the Guinness World Records, but we know they’re famous to you. Regular tree pruning, soil testing and root fertilization are just part of our plan for keeping your trees healthy and we invite you to call us for a consultation.
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